Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Bartender: Well look what the snakes dragged in! If it ain't old Cowhide! What are you doin here? I thought you was on a date with Betsy-Lou.

Cowhide: She had to go home on account of her allergic reaction. But she gave me these nice presents. (He pulls out a bar of deodorant.) Lookie here! A glue stick! I always wanted one of these to help me seal my envelopes.

Bartender: That ain't no glue stick! That there's deodorant, you barbarian!

Cowhide: And how's about this lovely sharp edge. I can use it to trim around my trees.

Bartender: That's a razor, you cave man! That's for trimming around your nose and mouth!

Cowhide: And check this out. Bakin soda. This is just what I need to thicken up my gravy.

Bartender: Cowhide! You orangatan! Ain't you never seen foot powder before?
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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