Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Cashier

The Cashier
(A lineup at a retail store.)

Cashier: Okay! Okay! Move it! Next!

Customer: How do you operate this?

Cashier: That'll be twelve-fifty, sir.

Customer: But -

Cashier: Sir, there are people behind you waiting.

Customer: Oh, all right. (He pays the money.)

Cashier: Next! Let's go! Let's go!

Customer: Can I use this on my hardwood floor?

Cashier: Seven thirty-seven.

Customer: But you haven't answered -

Cashier: I'm not a janitor. I am a cashier. Seven thirty-seven.

(Frowning, she reaches into her purse and pays.)

Cashier: Come on! Come on! Move it along now!

Customer: Can I return this item here?

Cashier: That would be customer service, sir. This is the checkout.

Customer: I know but -

Cashier: (Pointing) Customer service. That way. (The customer gets the message and leaves.) Next! Keep it moving!

Customer: How are you?

Cashier: Twenty-two forty-five.

Customer: (While paying) You sure are busy in here. How many customers do you serve in a shift? You know I used to work in retail. That was about eight years ago now, before my second child was born. She's -

Cashier: NEXT!

Customer: But I didn't get my change.

Cashier: I'm charging you for the conversation. Take a hike. NEXT! (The customer leaves in a huff.)

(Enter the manager.)

Manager: Good work, Matthews. Don't let them linger.

Cashier: Thank you, sir. (Exit manager. The next customer is a gorgeous woman.) Well hel-lo! I thought I spotted you back there! Nice to see you again. Those laggards ahead of you in the line didn't make you wait too long, I hope. Are you still with the dance studio?...
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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