Friday, January 18, 2013

Eternal Revenue Service

Eternal Revenue Service
It's tax time and we're here with another friendly reminder to fill out your forms to completion. We continue to notice failure to check off yes or no to Question 2A, Schedule B, Subsection 3D: 'Did you become deceased in the last six months?' Apparently you don't want to take this question seriously.

Jesus himself told the people to pay their taxes. And it says 'In God We Trust' on every one of those banknotes you are hoarding. That means God doesn't want you until you pay your taxes. You think you're going to escape it all by dying? Maybe one of the first souls you run into will be one of us.

Think ahead. A message from the Eternal Revenue Service.
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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