Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Party Animals

The Party Animals
(A man sits serenely on the patio of a drinking establishment, sipping on his drink, when he is confronted by a ragged passerby.)

Passerby: You'll never get drunk like that. It's like this! (He pulls out a large bottle and guzzles it. He then starts throwing up violently.) That's the ticket! BLAGH! AGH!

(A woman shoots up in an alleyway with her friend.)

Friend: Are you high yet?

Woman: I don't think so. Better do some more. (She injects herself with a hefty dose, rises to her feet, and starts bashing her head against the wall.) There. Now I'm high. (Slam! Slam! Blood begins to trickle from her scalp.)
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© 2007, 2013. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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